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4 Live Chat Tips to Ensure a Memorable Experience for Website Visitors

Someone once wrote, “People will forget what you said.  People will forget what you did.  But people will never forget how you made them feel.” 

This is important because how you make your customers and potential customers feel is crucial to your success.

Remember, in the end, people buy from those they like and most people like those who appreciate them.  When you interact with someone you like and who makes you feel good, then you stand a much better chance of establishing a lasting relationship, securing a sale, and satisfying an unhappy customer.  Below are a few tips that we all know – but sometimes need to be reminded of.  Who knows, maybe reading this blog will help you to build some loyalty with an existing customer, close an additional sale, and improve your relationship with your colleagues, family, and friends.

Here are 4 live chat tips to creating a memorable experience for your website visitors:

1. Be Genuine – Don’t try to be someone you’re not.  Faking it is hard to do – unless you’re a great actor.  If you have responsibility for interacting with clients and potential clients, then it’s probably safe to assume that you have some professionalism about you.  If so, then it is possible to be professional and genuine at the same time.

2. Be Helpful – Make sure you are knowledgeable about your business and be prepared to offer helpful advice.  The key here is taking the time to access and digest all available information about the person you are engaging.  This information may be available via your marketing automation software, CRM, website analytics, etc. Live chat integrated with your CRM system and/or support knowledgebase is a great way to ensure you have essential information at your fingertips.

3. Be Present – Let the person you are working with know that you are listening to them and that you care about what they have to say and what they need.  The best way to do this is to ask questions.  Oh, to be “present” is tough to do via email.  You should be able to communicate in real-time.  This means in-person, phone, or the most efficient method – live chat.

4. Be Thankful – The most valuable thing you can do for yourself, and your business is to appreciate others.  With live chat, you have a great opportunity to engage with someone in real-time and let them know that you appreciate them, their interest in your business, suggestions, and time.  Showing your customers and potential clients that you appreciate them will help you develop stronger relationships and create loyalty.  It will make those you interact with feel good – and this is memorable.  Live chat is an excellent tool for facilitating a memorable moment between you, a client, or a potential client.

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